Tuesday, January 22, 2008

procrastination queen

listening to: nothing, i'm at work and my ipod died. but my favourite song right now is 'gravity' by sara bareilles.

why hello friends... moments like these, i wonder if there is anybody out there in cyberspace actually reading this dribble, or am i alone? pfft, perhaps that's a good thing: then one day when i've FINALLY written a bestseller nobody will know about this awful little attempt at les bons mots - by the way, i am super sorry i haven't been keeping as up to date as i promised in only my last post! and it's not like i've even been busy.

right now, i am spending my tuesday night at work, my eyes slowly dying as i squint more and more at the computer. but fear not! as the hours i put in here will (fingers crossed) look very nice on my application for a fairfax media internship after i finish uni. and yes, as you can see, i am truly dedicated to my work... but i feel like it would be traitorous to plebs everywhere if i didn't take advantage of the fact that the southland times doesn't block ANY websites. so i spend pretty much all my time on perezhilton and style bubble. ahh, what a life. tonight obviously the main focus is on sir ed... i'm not going to blather on about him; there have already no doubt been far too many cliches bandied about. but to say that he was a great man, a hero to the ordinary joe bloggs, is all I can do. okay, done now. oh and there is someone in blackmount who is attempting to break a world record for shearing "full wool ewes". riveting!!

i don't really have much to say tonight; twas only signed into blogspot because i wanted to leave a comment on susie bubble's daily outfit site thingee. i wonder if she will browse my blog? if so - susie, i apologise! this is definitely not quite as cool as style bubble. (by the way, if there is anybody reading this who hasn't visited her site, do so now. stumbling across it was probably the greatest thing i have ever done online lol).

hmm what is happening with me? i got another fringe cut the other day. still not sure if it's really me. call me bourgeoise, but PEACHES GELDOF of all people has had a major impact on my daydreams of late. that rock and roll baby, devil-may-care attitude; the suitably messy blunt fringe; her outfits... i'll admit i'm intrigued. i wonder if people in the know think she's cool, or if it's just me.

the weather was pretty dreary today; not like the last few days. invercargill has really been turning on the awesome summer weather. dad said something yesterday bout how we've been having the best summer we've seen in yonks. i've been trying to be sunsmart, but the temptation to attempt a tan (futile, really, considering I inherited the irish genes of red hair and fair, freckley skin) has swept me up a little. so far, no tan. but a wee touch of pink does look slightly better than the pasty white i have been since last summer. to be fair i can kind of see a wee bit of tan in there. but perhaps it's just wishful thinking.

kim and i had our joint 20th birthday party the other day. she had a brilliant time, i on the other hand found it to be a complete waste of time. somehow her inviting half of the guys i've ever pashed - guys who never even texted me afterwards - was not my idea of a fun time. lets just say it was awkward and leave it at that. i'm sure you can imagine.. anyway, i just wasn't even in the mood to hit the clubs so i went home. but i'm planning a wee soiree with just the girls on my actual birthday (february 2nd in case you're interested) which i'm sure will be a lot more fun!! Not sure what I will wear yet; probably the same old uninventive thing. I wish I could get away with wearing something different, but i live in such a cliquey, judgemental little town that i never do. i'm just not that brave. maybe after i lose a bit of this extra padding, haha.

so, if i could, what would i wear? what a question - oh the possibilities! let's pretend i'm not held back by the constraints of insecurity nor money. oh, or my figure. if i could wear anything, what would it be? i'm probably not going to be described as a trailblazer; in fact i'm probably miles behind those deemed fashionable. something for me to ponder - i guess i'll get back to you.

ps: i promise to ACTUALLY get back to you this time.


christine said...

thanks! I'll definitely link you back. I like your writing...must browse your archives now :)

alana said...

wow thanks!